Free gay pride flag

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One of the poles usually flies the city’s flag but, on hundreds of occasions, the city has allowed private individuals to temporarily fly other flags in conjunction with an event - typically flags of other nationalities but occasionally ones that celebrated subjects such as Juneteenth or gay pride. The case involves three 83-foot-tall flagpoles outside Boston’s City Hall. No member of the court dissented, but Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch all wrote concurring opinions. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the lead opinion, which is joined by five colleagues. Missoula County at times has allowed certain groups to illuminate the courthouse for special causes.īOSTON (CN) - Once a government opens up a forum to the public, it might have to allow viewpoints it doesn’t agree with, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a decision that scolds Boston for being selective about which flags citizens can fly outside city hall.

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